See the full recording of the Goffstown School Board Meeting 12/16/24 on Goffstown TV (GTV)

Goffstown School Board 3 Things (12/16/2024)    #1: Internship Opportunities for Students  20 Seniors enrolled in school-to-career internships this semester across 6 towns. Nathan LaVanway reported 10 new internship sites bringing the total to 36 internship options including city government, schools, healthcare facilities, engineering firms, businesses and more. (Timestamp: 10:18)   #2: Fiscal Facts, Figures, and Commendations   Plodzik and Sanderson presented annual financial report and audit with favorable results including recognition of the professionalism and expertise of the SAU business office. Thoughtful discussion shared on the proposed warrant article to add funds to the Capital Reserve Fund. Goffstown school district is #1 in the state for the lowest cost per pupil for districts which include all grade levels. (Timestamp: 20:45, 36:47, 53:00, 01:19:48)   #3 GHS Principal to Retire June 2026  Frank McBride, GHS Principal, announced his retirement at the end of the 2025-26 academic school year. He has provided 30 years of service to the GHS community. (Timestamp: 01:24:53)